Have you ever wondered why some real estate agents fail? They may be neglecting a very important part of the job…
For those new to the real estate market or for those who have already had a long career working in agencies, there is a specific skill that is the basis of every real estate agent’s success: communication. As well as being a good salesperson, in this industry it is also necessary to be a great communicator.
Communication involves an effort by both the sender and the receiver of a message. It is a process that, to be effective online and offline, needs to be clear and objective, avoiding messages that are confused by the sender or misinterpreted by the recipient. In the real estate business, communication is essential to ensure the real estate buying/selling/renting experience is a stress-free time for everyone involved, whether that be owners, buyers, or renters.
The experience can either be considered positive or traumatic, and it can certainly influence prospects for the agent. How about some ideas to improve your communication skills?
Show interest
Buying or renting a house can be a stressful time for some people. The best strategy is to use the first contact with clients as a moment to listen. Start asking questions and listening carefully to their interests creating a comfortable environment. Find out what they are selling or looking for and what that desire will entail. Write down their answers and get specific details about the type of property they are searching for and the length of time they plan to own or live at the property.
Find out about their past experiences with other agents, what they liked or disliked about their service, and why. In addition to getting to know the client better, you will learn from their past experiences.

Be an available and proactive real estate agent
Even in the first meeting with the client, it is important to ask how they wish to be contacted. Updates on properties can be quite frequent and it is best to leave the choice of the means of communication to the customer. Some will prefer to receive calls, others text messages, video calls, property newsletters, or email marketing.
Be ready to help when they have questions and provide a plan to reach their goal. Site visits need to be scheduled according to customer preference whenever possible and sometimes the realtor will need to provide an online tour. It should be clear to your client that you will find the best fit for them, and that it is your priority.
The important thing is that this interaction is agreed upon between the agent and the client so that there is neither too little nor excessive contact. The written communication needs to always be reviewed and clear. In addition, it is important to avoid the use of abbreviations and jargon when you write, which leads to confusion and delay in understanding the text. In real estate, time is money, so let’s use it wisely.

Know how to promote yourself as a brand
Marketing content is the best strategy for real estate agents! To promote yourself online and sell more, firstly start by being active on your blog, website, and social media. Share and create relevant content for your local audience (real estate buyers), and call attention to the fact that you are the realtor in the region. Take care to highlight your profession as a real estate agent on your website or social media by inserting in your profile description the region where you work, your services, and the type of properties you can offer to your clients.
Be sure to use professional local photos and videos in your posts. Expose your best skills and ideas. It is worth mentioning that customers no longer want to receive invasive advertisements, but content that informs them and adds value to the decision-making process of buying or leasing the property.
To keep growing in this industry, realtors need to plan and build a great communication strategy. Start investing in tools that will help you provide quality content in every post on your blog and social media. Videos and photos can make your media more attractive. Create and share ideas and subjects that your audience would like to see, such as client testimonials, infographics, and real estate videos. People will share what they like on their social media, and that’s free marketing right there.
Developing an image for the real estate professional is also important. To put your agent branding in place, you need to involve your target audience and promote properties with SEO-optimized content. This will keep your business at the top of google search. Showing that you know how to value available local properties brings in new sellers and buyers and increases your audience.
Keep in touch with your former clients through email newsletters or social media. Write about your sales and the current market so they won’t forget you. It’s a great way of showing that you are continuing with your good work and they might refer you to people they know.
Your image is the first point
Don’t forget that your body is also a way of communicating. Smiling and looking the client in the eye in every social interaction is essential. The care and attention you can provide the client with needs to be noticed visually. Good posture during a meeting shows enthusiasm about the topic being discussed.
On the other hand, a real estate agent sitting with slumped shoulders or talking without pausing for breath indicates tiredness and poor time management. Realtors should avoid wearing very casual clothing such as shorts or flip-flops. Every visit to the property is an opportunity to show your professionalism and seriousness.

In addition, people tend to unconsciously imitate the body language of the interlocutor in social interactions, so it is important to show interest, positivity, calmness, and receptivity when speaking with clients.
The best realtors are those who convey confidence, so be available to your clients. Treat everyone with courtesy and respect, it is free of charge. Use your communication skills to build good and strong relationships with people. Networking will take you far!