How to increase real estate ad views using social media

Do you know how to improve your real estate marketing strategy on social media? Develop your notoriety!

Did you know that 94% of people search for their properties online? The classic search engines are often used to display listings, but the format is standardized, which makes it difficult to stand out in the real estate industry. Social networks are a space where you can freely expose your business. Through your social accounts, you are right where your potential clients are, allowing you to expose your work, and your listings, and differentiate yourself from the competition.

It’s time to demonstrate your expertise in your field, for example by using your social media to share listings posted on your real estate website.

Integrating social media into your real estate marketing strategy allows you to develop your local notoriety. It is important to know how to communicate and present yourself as the real estate agent of the region in which you operate.

Potential customers who discover you through your social accounts get to know you, explore your services, and analyze your experience and knowledge of the field.

If you have a blog or website you can post more complete content to help future clients. They can read reviews from satisfied clients and even chat with them to learn more about you. To find the best agent, people usually search online, so your quality content is your best marketing strategy.

Why are there so many social networks?

Why are there so many social networks? Because each platform is aimed at different audiences and offers different uses. That’s what makes these tools so valuable as part of your real estate marketing strategy. Depending on whether you’re on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, or Instagram, you’re not talking to the same people. In particular, some networks are more B2C, while others are decidedly B2B.

If the target audience is different, the forms of communication are equally different. Twitter, for example, significantly limits its number of characters, Instagram is essentially based on visual communication (even if you can include information in the caption), and Facebook offers a mix of possibilities like text, images, videos, etc.

It is important to know how to use social media wisely, according to your goals and brand.

How to connect social networks and other web media?

Social networks were made to be cross-platform. They connect to each other and promote the sharing of content available on other platforms such as blogs and websites. It’s a great help for realtors to share content and listings online.

For example, agents can create bridges between their Facebook account and their website, mainly by placing share buttons on their web pages. Alternatively, share your listing on Instagram with the link to the listing in your bio. In this way, you can weave a huge digital web in which internet users will be trapped, which will make the acquisition much easier, but also increase the follow-up from your potential real estate customers.

How to invest in the distribution of content on social media?

A paid referral is a lever to be handled with a multitude of precautions. If we tend to prefer natural referencing, it is mainly because paid referencing is less sustainable, less efficient in the long term, more expensive, and more fickle. So yes, you can gain online visibility very quickly on queries that are difficult within SEO, but in return, as soon as you turn off the budget tap, everything falls apart. The ideal method is to start by ensuring quality content that interests your audience for organic engagement. It takes more time, but buyers and sellers can find you through hashtags and interesting posts.

However, not everything should be thrown away with paid advertising. Far from that. It should be recognized for its tremendous quality: sponsored link solutions often benefit from incredibly accurate targeting options.

This also happens with social media. Most of them allow companies to launch paid campaigns to increase their acquisition and conversion rate, and we must admit that it works very well. Facebook and LinkedIn are the best on the track: dozens of targeting criteria to make sure you reach the right prospects, and retargeting options (to re-contact prospective clients who disappear before completing a certain action), are powerful targeting tools. It’s important to keep in mind that clients will share content media, not listings. So, if you want to be more viewed as a realtor, you need to post great SEO-optimized content.

Gain visibility on the web

The more visible an agent is on social media, the more people will know about them, the more they will request them, and the more platforms will promote them. It’s the popularity bonus that every realtor wants.

This is particularly true in the context of social media: sponsored link ranking algorithms (on Facebook, for example) take into account several criteria to decide which ad should appear when and where. One of those criteria is the popularity of an ad. In short, the more successful your campaign is, the more visibility it gains.

Your presence on social networks helps you gain places in search engines, due to a subtle connection between this media and Google. By itself, social activity does not influence a site’s positioning in Google’s SERPs (search engine result page), however, the engine is not completely indifferent to the signals sent by Internet users on social networks.

In online marketing, if your posts generate interactions (likes, shares, retweets, etc.), Google will see that as proof that you are popular on the web. If you’re popular, it’s because the services you offer are relevant to Internet users. And if your services are relevant, Google has every interest in highlighting them in its results, in response to ad hoc requests made by users. You can also use the help of AI to optimize your content.

Of course, the foundation of all this is a well-positioned professional website/blog where relevant content is published to your audience. Content that, in turn, will be broadcast on social networks and shared by Internet users. Don’t post only the property’s pictures and information, invest in hashtags to be viewed also by non-followers and give great tips to potential clients about the buying/selling/renting process. Invest in your communication skills and show everyone that there is no better real estate agent to help them find the property of their dreams.

As you can see, social presence should be one of the levers of your real estate marketing strategy. It’s a great way to lead acquisition, build your notoriety, and increase your visibility, which will all have a positive impact on your sales! If you want to know more about real estate marketing ideas to improve your business stay tuned here. For all platforms, Allready is for you.