10 essential apps to help realtors to promote their business

Customer experience, real estate marketing, social networks, or the organization and internal communication. Whatever you want to do today, there is sure to be a tool or platform that will help you do it more quickly and more effectively.

Did you know that realtors who earn $100,000 or more in their commissions are twice as likely to use advanced technology tools as agents who earn less? With that in mind, Allready has created a list of 10 apps for real estate agents to use to take their business to another level. To make it a little easier for you, we’ve included a practical application of each tool, that is, how you can use this tool in your real estate routine.
We have created this list by understanding the biggest difficulties of realtors and how these apps can help with those difficulties.
So, if you are curious to know more about the main tools that an agent can use, come with us and keep reading!

1. Piktochart

Piktochart is an amazing and very simple tool to create infographics, differentiated presentations, flyers to send by email, and more. The tool offers numerous templates and you don’t need to understand a lot about design to develop interesting real estate material for your website and social media.
It is a good option for those who want an alternative to the well-known Canva application, which offers the same type of service. For those who want designs with different styles which are not easily recognizable, you can bet on the use of Picktochart.

source: https://piktochart.com/

Some practical application tips for your real estate marketing:

– Create an infographic about the real estate market in your region to give to owners at your first meeting with them
– Use a unique template to send personalized marketing emails
– Set up a step-by-step guide on how to finance a property and make it available for download on your social networks through a landing page in exchange for a quick email registration
– Make a media report about the results you have achieved and use it in your presentation to the customer (data such as the number of sales, number of satisfied families, number of properties sold or rented, investment in technology to help your customers with the purchase of a property, etc.)

2. Vtility

Vtility is a perfect free app for taking an online virtual tour of properties. No special equipment or software packages are needed, you can create a virtual tour online using just your cell phone. It has unlimited usage and can be created and updated at any time through the real estate photos you include. It is suitable for interactive plans, panoramic views, and interior plans.
The platform has a very interesting differential, as it offers a design package service that helps you link your content and create the virtual tour. After its creation, the virtual tour is interactive and intuitive, perfect for clients looking for their dream home.

source: http://www.vtility.net/

So, take advantage of the Vtility app to upload your property photos and promote a unique experience for your customer.

3. LinkedHelper

LinkedHelper is a marketing hack for anyone who loves working with LinkedIn, or especially for those who know their target audience is focused on LinkedIn. Despite being a BtoB (Business to Business) platform, it can be a good channel to connect with real estate investors or former clients and keep your network of contacts always up to date.
This app will automate all of LinkedIn’s features, from finding new connections, connecting with them, and sending private messages. With the click of a button and choosing the right message, you reach hundreds of people with the ideal customer profile you have chosen.

source: https://www.linkedhelper.com/

Plus, LinkedHelper is perfect for organizing all your messages and contacts and even allows you to export the contact list of all your connections if you prefer to work with email marketing or lead nurturing with CRM (Customer Relationship Management).

4. Meta Business Suit

This tip is not really an app. A lot of people don’t know this, but through the Facebook page, it’s possible to create automatic messages on Instagram and Messenger. It’s a good way to not keep your customers waiting for an answer, as well as saving you time. You can use “instant reply” to greet people on their first contact and “away messages” to automate a reply when you are not available.
But don’t think that this tool will make your communication robotic! Your automatic messages include a button so you can personalize them with your clients’ names.

source: blog Hubspot

Some ideas for your automated messages:

– Answer frequently asked questions. Take the opportunity to get ahead by answering those classic questions from those who contact you. They could be about your hours or information about the property you posted that day.
– Provide more contact options. You may not always be available on Instagram but you may respond faster by email or phone.
– Submit a link to your bio. This link may contain the most important information about your services. The link to your bio can contain all your pages and help you get more followers.

5. One Signal

It’s the best app for your website. For you to understand what One Signal does, it is important to first understand what a push notification is. Push notifications are messages sent by apps or websites directly to your phone or computer.
The main function of a push notification is to create engagement with your brand. Remember that to work with this type of notification, you must be careful to send material that is relevant to your user.
One Signal can automatically tag its users by the page they were on when they subscribed to notifications and/or by notification topics they showed interest in.
Best of all, One Signal is free and very easy to apply to your website.

source: https://onesignal.com/

Practical application of tools for the realtor:

You can include a place on your site for your visitors to register for more information. You can create a notification for example “Exclusive properties in city X”, or content updates and media from your real estate blog or social network.
Later on the One Signal dashboard, you can see how many people received your notification and how many clicks it had very easily. Plus, you can customize notifications to go with eye-catching images, your photo, or even the text in the title.

6. MailChimp

MailChimp is already a famous acquaintance of real estate agents who like email marketing. That’s because it’s a super easy-to-use tool and, above all, it’s free.
MailChimp lets you embed your prospective lead list, build a creative template for your listings, email it to everyone on your list, as well as track open and click-through rates.
For those new to the business, they also provide a step-by-step guide that makes your first steps simpler.

source: https://www.internet-marketeux.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/MailChimp-Email-Designer-3.jpg

Practical application of the tools for the realtor:

It is not difficult to understand this easy application and tool for the realtor to do email marketing. This can help you both in looking for new customers, as well as nurturing leads or lost customers.
A highlight is that you can customize your template and email, as shown in the image above, and then send it to whichever lists you want.

7. Google ADS

This is yet another essential, free tool for brokers. The Google Keyword Planner is awesome for the realtor looking to put together a content marketing strategy. Content marketing is nothing more than the creation of explanatory and educational articles and materials to feed consumers in the real estate market.
Many times you must think: “How am I going to know the keywords I should use in an article?” Or, “which keyword is most sought after among my target audience“. Here’s the answer.
To use it is very simple. Just log in with the Google email you already have. Select between the first or second option (discover new keywords or see search volume). After that, choose a keyword or search for a keyword that you believe makes sense for your real estate business.
In the result, Google will present the number of searches that are made for that word, in addition to indicating similar ones that are also relevant to the market.

source: Google Ads

Application for the realtor:

Simple! We have already talked more than once about the importance of working with content, blog articles, and even SEO on your webpage. But using words that don’t bring visitors is the same thing as doing nothing.
So, from now on, every time you work with content, do a pre-research first. Here at Allready, we use this tool for all content creation on our blog. It is precisely for this reason that you could be one of the many agents who are interested in our material because we go after what you want to know.

8. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest’s SEO tool is one of the most popular keyword generators available and easily accessible on the internet. Its main function is to collect all requests provided by Google Suggest and collect data from Google Keyword Planner to come up with relevant keyword ideas around a search term.
Going far beyond the keyword ideas provided by Ubersuggest, this tool provides other important information about each analyzed keyword, to optimize your positioning strategy, such as:

  • Search trend volume
  • CPC costs (Google Ads)
  • The competition level of each keyword
  • The approximate difficulty level of sponsored and organic search competition
source: Ubersuggest.com

Application for the realtor:

This platform is great for analyzing the competition and discovering the keywords used by competing sites. You can get an idea about the estimated traffic generated by your competitors’ landing pages, the number of social shares, and the domain score. All results obtained can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet.

9. Survey Monkey

Survey Monkey is the world leader in survey software. This means that through this tool you can do NPS surveys, improve your after-sales or trigger a new strategy with your lead and customer base.
But creating quizzes is just one of its features. Survey Monkey also allows you to easily carry out your market research in a matter of minutes. Also, it is possible for you to understand other enriching points about your company, for example: What is your brand recognition level? Do people trust the company? Is it highly recommended?
So with Survey Monkey you can also measure and monitor your market positioning, including brand awareness and reputation.

source: Survey Monkey website

Application for the realtor:

The best application of this tool for the realtor is the NPS survey. Which can and should be used to carry out a good real estate after-sale feedback. Knowing about your customers’ buying and selling experience allows you to improve your services and understand what your customers’ needs are.

10. Allready.ai

Allready is a great platform for generating SEO-optimized texts in an automated way with the help of artificial intelligence. This ready-to-use tool generates quality texts such as real estate ads, short texts, and local content in several languages in a few minutes.

How does it work?

To generate an ad for a property, for example, just enter the main information in the form available on the platform and click on a button to generate your text! You even have the option to choose between different versions like long, short, or those specifically for social media.

Beta version Allready.ai

To save time and ensure that your content will be at the top of searches, count on Allready!

sources: https://onesignal.com/ ; https://www.surveymonkey.com/ ; https://app.neilpatel.com/en/ubersuggest/ ; https://ads.google.com/intl/en_us/getstarted/ ; https://mailchimp.com/ ; https://business.facebook.com/ ; http://www.vtility.net/ ; https://piktochart.com/